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Absurd treningu funkcjonalnego – kiedy serwujesz K.O. sobie i trenerowi.

.Na zajęciach crossfitowych dominują (powinny) ruchy * funkcjonalne , które odwzorowują ruchy wykonywane w codziennym życiu. Trenerzy oraz ćwiczący z wielkim pietyzmem i dokładnością dbają o poprawność wykonania wybranego ćwiczenia. Bardzo często z sukcesem. W zasadzie wszyscy powinni być szczęśliwy i są , do czasu

…. Kiedy wytrenowane ruchy funkcjonalne, rozsypują się jak domek z kart, w trakcie zderzenie się z prozą życia. I już nie chodzi nawet o podnoszenie ciężkich przedmiotów w życiu codziennym. Wystarczy zwykły trening na którym tak pilnie trenujemy ruchy funkcjonalne i potem zmieniamy obciążenia na sztandze , żeby zaserwować sobie i trenerowi K.O.
Poniżej ⬇⬇t⬇ak częsty i powszechny ruch, który boli w przenośni trenera, a Was dosłownie.

*zgodnie z definicją CrossFitu : constantly varied high-intensity functional movement

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When performing strength exercises, we try to use correct techniques and precise movement. But what happens when the exercise ends? Why do we flex our spine❓ . We do it because it’s comfortable, it’s easy and saves energy! The right way or the uncomfortable way requires high muscular effort. . In a fully flexed spine, the erector spinae muscles are almost at complete rest. Most of the load is on the posterior ligaments, discs, and passive tissues. . When the spine is neutral, the lumbar erectors have the ability to produce posterior shear force, that is, it can reduce the anterior shear forces. . In activities that involve high or vertical pressure (such as lifting weight), it is recommended to maintain a straight back (neutral spine). . What is the proper technique for lifting a weight off the floor? There is no one way to bend. There are various strategies for bending, choosing the right way depending on the specific functional demands. . Common techniques for lifting heavy objects: . ➖Deadlift ➖Deadlift with arm support ➖Squat ➖Lunge ➖Lunge with arm support . 🔴Important note🔴 Bending forward is not a contraindication in our daily life. It is a very important movement to be kept and maintained. In many daily activities that do not involve high or vertical pressure – rounding the spine comes naturally. . In many occasions in life, we need (and should) use segmental rounded bending (in healthy back cases) such as in tying shoelaces, picking a light object off the ground etc. This should be done gently, with bent knees, and involving lots of joints in the entire movement. (In several cases of back pathologies, this pattern should be avoided due to inter-vertebral disc problems). . Thanks for watching, if you have any question or you want to get more info, please visit our website or simply click the link in our bio @muscleandmotion 🕳🕳🕳🕳🕳🕳🕳🕳🕳🕳🕳🕳 🕳 🕳 #muscleandmotion #muscleandfitness #fitness #fitnessapp #gym #gymnastic #training #fitnessmotivation #fitnesscoach #fitnessphysique #FitnessTrainer #fitnesstips #personaltrainer #crossfit #crossfittraining #sportschiro #strengthtraining #chiro #muscles #trx #cardio #anatomy

A post shared by Muscle and Motion (@muscleandmotion) on Feb 4, 2019 at 11:13am PST

Gregory Wega

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Ostatnio zmodyfikowany: 29 lipca, 2024
